Friday, August 27, 2010

Ripples of Kindness

Here's another great way to share kindness in the smallest of ways but impacts people in the biggest ones. I got this in my email from a random person. Enjoy ~ Kat

I went into a local cafe for breakfast one quiet morning with a friend of mine. I grabbed a smile card as I left my car, not knowing quite what I was going to do with it.

During the meal, I noticed a woman sat by herself, absorbed in a book, at the table next to us. I walked over to the waitress, asked how much the woman's check was, and handed her the money and a smile card with the instructions to give the woman the card, with the paid check, but to make sure not to tell her who had done this.

When the woman left, the waitress came to the table and told me that the woman was shocked and very happy, said she really needed someone to do this for her, and couldn't wait to pass it on.

But what really touched me was that the waitress said the owner of the cafe had witnessed all of this, and was getting online to order smile cards herself so that she could continue the blessings to others! Her spontaneous generosity made me realize that this form of giving/gifting really touches a chord deep within all of us, that chord that tells us that generosity and kindness is our true nature, and that we all want to be a part of it when we see it in action. I can't wait to see where the smile cards will begin showing up in our little community.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't even heard of smile cards, but it must be a pretty overwhelming and joyous feeling being on the receiving end. Lovely story.
    Wishing you a great weekend!


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