A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. -- John A. Shedd
Tip of the Day:
It was an experiment. Peter Bregman was returning an item to a store. The item was well within the return period, but there would be a 20 percent restocking fee. Having recently decided to live life as an experiment, Bregman decided to see if he could tap into the store manager's compassion to waive the fee. In the grand scheme of things, it was a small act. Yet in the process of experimenting, the most powerful lessons emerged. "What I learned is the power of framing... Because when we live life as an experiment, we are far more willing to take risks, to acknowledge failure, to learn and develop," he sums up. "If it's an experiment, then taking a risk is the win - whether it pans out or not."
Be The Change:
Take a risk today. In the spirit of experimenting, step out of your comfort zone!
Hi Kat, so good to catch up with all the brilliant stories you've posted. There's always stuff to inspire - love it.
ReplyDeleteI recently had to use a tumbledryer in a laundromat, where the dryer had stopped but was still full of laundry and no person in sight. So I picked up the baton from one of your recent stories (about a person finding their laundry nicely folded together), emptied the dryer and folded the laundry nicely in a pile for the owner to collect. I quietly smiled at the thought that the owner might get caught by the "kindness bug" :-))