Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Make An Decision to Be Happy Today!

Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness. -- George Santayana

Tip of the Day:
There are mornings when we rush out of bed in a vague fog. Days that seem to spiral progressively down the drain. But sometimes, all we need to do is stop. Take a breath. And re-discover ourselves in the moment. "Being happier doesn't have to be a long-term ambition," Gretchen Rubin states. "You can start right now." She suggests that little things, like taking a walk outside, doing a good deed, ridding yourself of a nagging task, or even just acting happy can radically transform our moods, boost morale, and energize us for the rest of the day.

Be The Change:
Try out one of Rubin's tips.


  1. This is so true!! I choose to be happy, look for the JOY in things!! Usually it is the little things in life that make me the happiest!!

    Love and Blessings to you my friend!!

  2. I love this blog. :) I wait for updates every day!!

  3. Those are wise words!
    Sometimes it is SO much simpler than we realise. STOPPING when things go wrong can radically change ones life. All we have to do it dare believe it and act upon it. It really does work!!


Looking forward to seeing how you made a difference today!