Saturday, April 24, 2010

Compassion at the Checkout Line

Here is another very heartwarming story and it happens to us all the time. I hope you enjoy it.

I was in the check-out line at a store with two cases of Ramen noodles, one case of Cup of Noodles, one case of bottled water, one pack of plastic spoons, and one box of large zip bags.

While waiting to put them on the conveyor belt, the man in front of me put his two packs of beer on the counter and looked at the food I had placed on the belt. He asked me if that was all I had to eat and I smiled and shared that it was all for the folks that live in the camp under the freeway and behind the car wash. He nodded, turned away and didn't look back.

However, when the food came up to the register, he said, "I want to pay for this food also." I stretched out my hand to shake his, but he hugged me instead. I wanted to thank him but he hurried off and when he looked back I could see tears in his eyes. I knew that God had done something special in this man's life.

Today's Tip: Take a few extra minutes to greet a stranger in need.


  1. Wonderful. Like I said before....acts of kindness is like a good's catching.

  2. I can't tell you how much this story touched my heart. And your tip is so true, my prayer is that I will never be in such a hurry as to not greet someone. I have been so blessed. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I love this story, Kat. I have a desire to do these types of things for people and plan on looking for opportunities. I know they are all around me.

    And bless that man in the checkout lane, Lord. Amen

  4. God touches people's hearts when we least expect it. It's kind of like when the student is ready the teacher will appear.... When the heart is ready, God enters in touching the soul. Many Blessings to you and yours. Love and God's Light, Nina P


Looking forward to seeing how you made a difference today!