Please click the link to view this very special angel called Tabitha!
I wanted to take this time to let you all know about a great personal hero right here in the blog world that I have recently discovered. Her name is Tabitha from I Choose Bliss and A Five Oh 4 Lifting Up, and she is definitely a jewel in God's kingdom, when you view the video above and see how she is helping others. She has a need that I want to see if we can all help to meet.
She recently had the privilege to be interviewed by her local news station about the difference she is making in the world today. Tabitha encouraged me to tears quite literally when I saw her story and felt compelled that it should be showcased here since this is the purpose to showcase those stories of individuals making a difference each and every day to really count. Tabitha does this with flying colors.
And if you are like me and finished wiping away your tears with a big old box of tissues and want to help her in her ministry? Please click here to link to here page and click on the upper left side bar on donations. Let's make a difference for one of our own here in blog land. While your there, tell Tabitha I sent you there and follow her so you can encourage and love her through her posts as well.
Today's Tip: Tabitha's blog is now part of this one and is linked on the right side bar below the list of followers, please spread the word on helping her!