Friday, July 23, 2010

A Little Art Lesson in Love

I like to draw because it makes my mind flow. -- Todd, age 10

Fact of the Day:
Artist Leigh Hyams of San Miguel Allende, Mexico writes, "I found this script today in a forgotton portfolio. It was dictated to me by my four-year-old granddaughter Annalena, who could not write then, but she knew how to advise people to paint and draw. I like her advice enormously, not to mention her attitude..." Here's just one example of Annalena's painting wisdom: "When I don't have anything to do and get bored, I start painting and then I just can't stop and it makes me feel good."

Be The Change:
Make your mind flow: Paint without worrying about making a good likeness. Try out Annalena's suggestions, while you're at it!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the art sot today. Guess you noticed your background has been eliminated. I had to get someone to create me a new header and background. I am not into all that.


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