Monday, November 16, 2009

How ARK Has Changed My Family!

I wanted to reach out and share with some of you wonderful readers that are following this blog and let you know just how much A.R.K. has changed my families perspective on how we get through the day.

We all now look for opportunities to ARK as we call it and can't wait to share the joy of bringing back our wonderful blessings to our family and let it know the differences it made to us and the people we blessed in the process.

I had an opportunity at Starbucks after picking up my daughter Caitlyn from school last Thursday to ARK someone. While waiting at the drive through I had $10.00 on me that day and looking in my rear view mirror noticed that the vehicle behind me had only one person in it. Since our order only came to $6.00 I waited til we got to the window to ask how much the order of the next customer was, she told me $2.00 so I told her I wanted to pay for him. The look on Caitlyn's face was worth that blessing and she started to cry. She said it was so nice to be able to do something nice for someone and if we could stay and see what the drivers reaction would be. I explained we had to go, but that God would bless this small act and it would not go unnoticed. While pulling away, she looked back to see the man attempt to pay but the cashier just handed his coffee while he proceeded to pull away.

Only God knows what that small act did for someone but I know if that same thing happened to me, I would feel so great the whole day no matter what happened that morning.

This weekend, our whole family was lucky enough to ARK, my youngest daughter Kailee's school. They offered a fund raiser breakfast at our local Applebee's. For $10.00 a person, you got all you can eat, eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes while the money went to help the school. In addition, any tip you left contributed as well. Let's just say not only did we completely enjoy being waited on my the schools teachers of Kailee's 5th grade, but it was a great opportunity to meet the teachers and bless them with a very large tip!

Kailee with her Math and Science teacher!

Kailee with her Language Arts teacher, who she adores! She was our waitress!

Steve had the opportunity to pass along some extra money he had to help a homeless organization just outside the grocery store. Just knowing that God will use this is more than enough for all of us.

Kailee's ARK this week, was being asked by a teacher on the playground to retrieve some balls that had rolled to the far end of the school yard. She happily agreed to do it, remembering she was ARKing, and in return the teacher gave her two red vine licorice pieces which she shared with her older sister when we picked her up on Friday.

I have noticed a willingness from my kids and family to give more freely knowing that God looks down on them from heaven with smiles and those small random acts will not go unnoticed and without blessing those that are touched by them.

Please share with me, how ARKing has changed the lives of people around you or how you have noticed what simple acts can do.

Please stop by and read Greg's blog, Greg's General Store, this morning for what he is doing to make a difference in the lives of children this Christmas.

Today's Tip: Send out a card or letter to someone who would love to hear from you. We all get so much junk mail and bills in our mailboxes that surprises and cards make all the difference in our day.


  1. I am going to try doing that at the drive in next time I use it. I love giving and so does God. Thanks for the mention.

  2. We had the opportunity to help a young couple purchase food for the food bank yesterday. They had saved almost $500 dollars for this cause. They did not have a costco card, so we took them so they could maximize their gift. When checking out they did not have quite enough and as I knew my hubby would...he paid the difference. I talk about it on my blog today, too. I left out the part of them not having quite enough, b/c I do not want them to feel bad. There efforts are phenomenal for a young couple. We were in awe of their giving. It was our privilege to help.

    Hope you are feeling better.
    Blessings, andrea

  3. You know, in the end, I feel like it's always the smallest acts of kindness that make such a huge, HUGE difference. :)

  4. How wonderful it would be if all parents took the time and give their love to their children as you do. You instilled some great values that they will carry for life. You do not see enough of that. Take care and so thankful you are better.

  5. If we all just did one ARK a day, what a better world we'd be living in. Thank you for inspiring me/us to share God's Bounty with ARK. Blessings to you and yours. Love and Light, Nina P


Looking forward to seeing how you made a difference today!