"It is not the magnitude of our actions, but the amount of love that is put into them, that matters." -- Mother Teresa |
"I have a soft spot in my heart for the young and the elderly. A few days back, my husband and I went out for lunch. We sat across from what I assumed were a father and daughter, sharing a meal together. Before returning to the car, I stopped at one of the gumball and candy machines located near the exit. I placed two quarters in the machine and out came a plastic ball containing a toy. With toy in hand, I went back and placed the toy in front of the little girl and said, "Have a nice day!" She smiled big and said, "Thank you!" I hope that made her time with her father a little more special.
Today's Tip: Thank a member of someone who is in the service or who has family that is serving. Be thankful for all they do to shed their blood to keep our country free and our nation blessed. Don't forget to check out the latest summer book Sing on my other blog
Heart 2 Heart.
What a sweet idea! I just posted a tribute to all the soldiers in my life for Memorial Day. If you have time, check it out. Thanks for saying thanks!