Passing along some great advice I discovered in my email this morning. May we all take the time to be aware of whose around us and who can use just an extra touch of help! ~ Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Years ago, when my daughter was an infant, I was traveling alone cross-country to join my husband.
I had a small sports car crammed full of household items, clothing, and one baby car-seat.
After driving for many miles, in an attempt to drive straight through, I was tired and needed to stop for a bathroom break.
The rest area was mostly deserted, on an isolated stretch of Interstate highway. I parked the car and carried my infant daughter, in her car-seat, into the restroom. Coming out again I saw a middle-aged couple hanging around. It turned out they were waiting for us!
The lady said, "We wanted to wait for you to come out and see you safely back into your car. Sometimes rest areas can be an unsafe place for a young lady. We have a daughter almost your age and we wanted to make sure you got safely back on your way".
I was very touched by their consideration. Being young, and probably naive to the potential dangers of rest areas, it had never occurred to me that there was any possibility of something going wrong. I thanked them for their kindness.
My daughter and I continued our journey and reached our destination (and my husband) safely.
I never got their names but thirty years later their kindness is not forgotten. Sometimes angels come in disguise and just because you can't see their wings it doesn't mean they aren't angels!