I got this over the weekend in my email and thought what a great idea. Imagine if more of these popped up all over and we helped one another out in what ways we could as a group effort. I hope you enjoy it and if inspired, let the idea grow. Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I started a Really Really Free Market in my town as a way to bring the community together.
A Really Really Free Market is like a cross between a farmer's market and a garage/yard sale, except everything is free! People show up with stuff to give away and take what they need from other people's abundance.
It took a little while to catch on but now it seems fairly busy and I am trying to make it bigger and more fun so that more people have access to the wonder that is giving without expectation of reward and receiving without being judged.
It runs once a month on a Saturday afternoon and there are clothes, books, plants, biscuits, pasta, fruit, furniture, ornaments - and lots of other stuff. The kids all play together (it's at a park) and sometimes one family brings playdough, beads and colouring-in pictures for the children to play with.
I think it's so important to give people an opportunity to give because everyone, deep down, wants to share and help and give to others - but they don't think of it, or they think it's too hard, or weak or silly somehow. I want the people of my town to realise how awesome sharing with other people is. I also want the people in need to have a fun place to go where everything is free. This way there isn't the social stigma of soup kitchens or charity because it's just people sharing and no one needs to say, "Hey, I'm poor and I need help." They can turn up and go home with food and new clothes and having had a good time.
This was a big thing for me to do because I'm not really that comfortable around lots of people. I have to psych myself up for the week before every market so that I can cope with it all, and sometimes I still panic but I'm getting better.
I thought it was worth the effort because it's such a truly great concept, just like this site! If you have a Really Really Free Market near you please go check it out. If you don't have one then why not look it up online and start your own!