Doug Eaton wanted to celebrate his birthday on June 11 in a big way, so he turned to his friends for ideas. "I asked a bunch of my friends on Facebook what should I do on my 65th and I got a whole long list of stuff," he shared, "And one of my friends said, 'Why don't you do 65 random acts of kindness?'" So that's exactly what he did, spending 65 minutes standing on the corner of NW 39th Street and May Avenue in Oklahoma City. From a distance, Eaton looked a bit like any other panhandler holding a sign at a street corner. But instead of a plea for money, his sign read: "I have a home...and a car...and a job. Do you need a few bucks for some coffee?" for more on this story, click here!
I think this is a fantastic way to find ways to give back. I mean just how many presents do we need? It never truly satisfies the way this would and I can't wait to do this for my 50th! I know it will be one I remember for the rest of my life unlike any, I ever had the opportunity to celebrate. How about you, perhaps you will do this for your birthday, anniversary or some other special occasion? The results will be the gifts that keep on giving!
For even more great news check out this link, The Birthday Project and gain some insight on ways to share on your birthday or add your own!